Two Unemployed Actors


July 9, 2019

Behind The Scenes

A brief tour of what goes into the prep before a broadcast

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July 3, 2019

Two Unemployed Actors Episode 2

Follow us on social for the latest news. Check out our website for a full transcript and more episode resources... The joys of creating a podcast [00:00:31] I managed to have the cameras on dash camera mode so it recorded in three minute increments. So when I put all the…

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June 28, 2019

Two Unemployed Actors Episode 1

Transcript Highlights - Check out the website for more resources for this episode! MAX: [00:00:41] First thing I want to say, how ironic that we have had to push back the launch of this broadcast because we've been busy working. SELF TAPES: MAX: [00:00:56] . How do you go with…

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